Women lose monarchy over stilettos
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When the world is raging high with fashion with the chicks sporting men’s outfits, the men are definitely not gone be left behind in the race. This is the news for them.
It now seems that the latest fad for men is now wearing stilettos resembling the way men sported high heels in films such as ‘Saturday Night Fever’ and ‘Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert’ thus evoking it to be the new spirit for dressing code.
However, the Indian fashion designers feel the latest fashion craze to be temporary and marginal that has not gone find its proper importance as expected because technically men will find it tougher to balance themselves on the stiletto unlike the women who are quite used to it. The chiseled heel, which is more tampered, is now gaining a wider presence among the men, which is said to be worn by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
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